When the pandemic first hit...Bosses were not quite sure how to navigate the entrepreneurial waters when the pandemic first hit. Seeing people getting sick, hearing of death trucks driving through NYC, and record breaking unemployment rates all made it feel inhumane to post a perfectly quaffed photo of a brand to encourage someone to buy. But then something amazing happened.
At one point in time, I would have told you that I was somewhat of a self proclaimed social media expert. I knew how to grow followers organically without paying for them or paying for ads. I knew how to engage with my tribe, and I looked forward to creating content for my social media platforms that would provide helpful gems to those who would come across my post in their timelines. Then a funny thing called an algorithm began to play with how those previous efforts were impacting engagement results. No matter what the effort, follower numbers began to decrease, trying to comment on x amount of profiles a day, and liking x amount of posts, including following and unfollowing to balance out followers vs, following ratios just wasn't working for me. I was posting three times a day and then a social media expert said nope just post once a day. I was told make your copy more interesting, and someone else said, wait don't forget your call to action... even though I always included one. NOTHING WORKED! I gave up. The thing I actually loved to do I absolutely hated. I decided to no longer care and hung up my self proclaimed title for good. But then I took a course on SEO and it hit me..;
For most of us, this virus came in like a bat out of hell, shutting down businesses and bringing the entire world to a halt. So let's talk about you and how this has rocked your business right off it's core. More importantly let's talk about whether or not you are agile enough to pivot your business and what are four things you need to start doing immediately to make sure you are able to have a surviving and yet still financially thriving business.
It never fails. Right after periods of calmness and tranquility with my business, there is a crazy tornado of tasks, deadlines, new ideas, clients, engagements, content creation, marketing, sales, all with no end in sight. To add to the boss squall of TO-DOs are mama duties, wife duties, daughter duties, god mama duties, bestie duties, and the list goes on. I guess it is safe to assume that with everything on my plate, there are times when I feel absolutely overwhelmed. Well girl... guess what! I know that I'm not alone and there are many of you who are doing 5x's what I experience and keeping it all together seems like a miracle juggling act that you feel at any moment is going to end with a result of everything crashing down on you. How do I know, because I see you ladies, instagram posts of working out at the gym, working your business, playing UBER to kids who need to go to and fro for any number of reasons, and just like I said before, the list goes on and on.
Clearly, we do not want you to feel overwhelmed. And above all else, we want you to be clear, sane, and focused and you can not be the focused boss we need you to be if you are walking around juggling 10 million balls in the air. So being that I always tend to find myself juggling 9.9 million balls and realizing quickly work to change that to I can be the most present, focused wife/mom boss I can be, I want to share these gems with you so you can be inspired to get a plan for you as well! PLAY DRESS UP WITH CLASSIC BLACK
I love to mix and match looks that range from casual chic to edgy fun. I know that sometimes girl bosses aren't sure what to wear to events, how to wear a look, and how to mix up looks when it comes to having a casual meeting with clients to heading out to a networking event.
Each week, I will give you Looks that I Love ( also lovingly known as L.I.L) where I hope you gain a little fun inspiration where you can shop in your closet, or... ( insert shamless plug) shop in our store to help you get the looks you love! So let's take a look at what I have in store for you bosses this week: One of the things I absolutely hate, is when I'm blindsided by my bank account. You know that feeling when you are like, sooo, where did my coins go? I realized that I don't have any one real addiction, meaning, I don't have a shoe, handbag, or any other kind of fetish. But nonetheless, the fact was that I would go through periods where money would just slip through my fingers.
Girl, guess what? You have been struggling way too long with your business by yourself. Now I get it, you don't have a ton of cash to work with a coach, and you aren't quite ready to explore membership with Prestige, so it looks like you have to go a little DIY. Don't worry, I'm going to give you three simple steps to building your own mastermind. If you aren't sure what a mastermind is, according to our friends at Wikipedia has defined it for us:
Some time ago, I decided to hang up the old blogging hat(I mean really who in the world reads blogs any more?). But yet, I find myself always searching in Google trying to find out how to do a pivot table, templates for budgets, or how to make the perfect poached egg (Don't judge!). I realized when, I don't want to sit through a 10 minute video, I would rather skim the simple steps easily mapped out for me to do that thing I was trying to look up than sit through a video or listening to a podcast.
Now do not get me wrong here. I love me some podcasts and youtube videos but sometimes I need info in a snap. So I decided to jump back in and start writing again, this time with a different objective in mind. The objective now is all about focusing on the quick tips to help you accomplish your everyday boss goals. So when it all comes down to it, the answer is TO BLOG! Happy reading my friends! You ever want to write a book?I often find that girl bosses have beyond extraordinary stories to tell but in their minds writing a book is a far fetched intangible goal. Many of the women I encounter can't begin to think about how they would even start the process. In an effort to help girl bosses have their stories transformed into an actual body of work, I wanted to share with you how I have published my books. This way you can see that the process isn't as hard or pricey as you may think. Better yet, help you jump right into creating a new 2019 goal for yourself... Write and Publish your first book!
I have always loved planners but this year was different. I met a girl boss by the name of Elaine Johnson and when I tell you that she changed the way I looked a planning my day and staying committed to it through out the year, please know that I'm not over exaggerating. What I found was that prior to really planning out my day a number of things were happening that were ultimately driving me crazy. First off I was double booking myself all the time, I would have dates in multiple areas from online schedulers to my icalendar, and o being able to keep all of my dates in one place caused me to look free in some areas of my life when I was really all the way booked up! Secondly, I was just forgetting important appointments. I may have coaching appointments that I see on my online scheduler but that mmm.. I just missed that dental appointment and now I have to pay a fee. And as a result of being double booked or flat out missing appointments, I was just always feeling on edge about my day.
AuthorNicole Doss is a mother, speaker, author, founder, and CEO of the Prestige Society and Girl Guess What is a compilation of thoughts ideas, and ah-ha moments all curated in one space for the girl boss! Read, have fun, and add a comment if you like! Archives
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